Documentary | 2018 | 102min
It's time for student government elections. High school students prepare for the race. Four groups with different platforms and opinions create proposals, debate campaign strategies, and strive for improvements at the school. Conflicts and tensions between campaign teams reveal their political differences, and the force of reality intertwines with resistance to dreams, friendships, and the right of students to create alternatives for the world in which they believe.

Directed Alice Riff
Producers Alice Riff e Heverton Lima
Executive producer Heverton Lima
Associated producer Vanessa Fort
Screenwriters Alice Riff e Vanessa Fort
Line Producer Joyce Prado
Cinematography Vinicius Berger
Sound design by Daniel Turini e Fernando Henna
Editing Yuri Amaral
Director assistant Vinicius Silva
The film was selected in the first Videocamp Fund (2017). During the production process, Elections participated at Rough Cut Lab in DocMontevideo (Uruguay, 2018), with the tutoring of João Moreira Salles and Eduardo Escorel.
DOK Leipzig (Official Selection),
Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival (Brazil Première)
Olhar distribuidora (Brazil)
The movie is available on digital video on demand platforms and Videocamp.